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VOLUME 3 • ISSUE 4   |   Release date: December 17th, 2007

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About The Holy Observer

The Holy Observer was founded in the 1960's by former Louisiana football star Sedgwick "The Beast" Perdison. After a legendary high school football career, Perdison gained a reputation in his hometown of Abyss, Louisiana for his impromptu, issue-based sermons in the town square. Many townspeople had taken to calling him The Holy Observer, giving Perdison the idea to begin a print publication. Perdison began publishing The Holy Observer out of his home on June 6th, 1966, expanding the publication into neighboring towns, counties and states. Perdison himself stepped down from his role as publisher after just three-and-a-half years, turning control over to his top staffers. The Holy Observer would live on, however, serving as the primary source of news and information to many communities in the so-called Bible Belt of the United States for decades. The newspaper ceased publication in 1997 due to tough financial times and readers turning to the Internet for news. A group of investors, led by Internet tycoon Marcus Crosby, picked the torch back up in 2003, taking The Holy Observer's keen blend of Christian news and commentary to millions around the world through the power of the World Wide Web. Perdison went into seclusion in 1970 after stepping down as publisher. He has not been recorded or photographed ever since, except for a series of episodes of Fox's The Simpsons, on which he appeared as himself.

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