every Christian knows, it is vitally important to respect God's
Holiness in all we do. That includes the way we write! Few areas of Christian
life have become as stagnant as Christian Capitalization. It's a
simple act of devotion and worship to a Holy God. Or is it? Sometimes
it's hard to know what to capitalize, especially in these days of
disrespect for the Almighty. Nowadays, even some (apostate) Bible translations
are failing the capitalization test. How can an everyday Christian know
what to capitalize and what to leave lowercase? THO can help sort out
this confusing but critical matter. So whether you're a seasoned
veteran of the faith, or a beginner in need of a crash course in capitals,
the THO Guide to Christian Capitalization can help you!
- Capitalize all personal pronouns ("He" and "His,"
for example). This is the most basic rule of Christian capitalization.
Almost every Christian knows enough to capitalize these pronouns, but
some shameful people neglect it, and we are sorry to report that they
may be taking their cue from their own BIBLE!
- Capitalize other, less common pronouns. These include relative pronouns
such as "Who" and "Which" as well as any other
pronoun that might refer to God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. Remember,
if a word refers to God, it must be capitalized!
- Capitalize titles that refer to Him, like Holy Father, Most Holy
One, Bread of Life, and The Almighty. That way, people know you're
talking about God, not some pagan deity.
- Words that describe God's attributes should be capitalized. This
includes His Name, His Face, His Hands, and other such descriptors,
as well as His Holiness, Goodness, Justice, etc.
- Just to be sure, capitalize words on either side of the Word God;
This shows how His holiness spreads to all that surrounds Him.
- Make sure not to capitalize proper names of the evil one. Just as
Christians must show reverence for God's name, we must show disapproval
and lack of respect for the devil. Don't do him the service of
capitalizing the word "satan." This rule goes for hell,
- When writing about Jesus Christ, you may sometimes want to capitalize
all letters of HIS Name for added emphasis.
- As a general rule, when in doubt, Capitalize! Writing about God is
serious business, and it would be better to capitalize a word that does
not refer to God than to miss out on blessings by not capitalizing.
There you have it! With a little practice, anyone can be a Holier writer.
May God bless you as you continue to seek His Holy Face |